Women's Business Link London Blog | Recent News & Events

Walking in Beauty, Living by Grace, Divine Feminine in present days.

Written by Wioletta Diamondheart | 24-Feb-2022 12:08:00

How to cultivate our nature to open to the source within and feel our true essence?

Many of us have spent years basing our self-worth on whether we meet the standards that media and culture have set for women: to be skinny and sexy to be truly a woman or set for a competition with a man to prove a point or to make it in this world …. It’s time to liberate from that destructive pattern and shift to inner wisdom, the light within, radiance and grace -real values.

Why many women aren’t happy even though they seem to have it all? You know the answer! But how to change that? I would like to invite you for a journey. The short journey to try and rebirth yourself …… a journey to re-connect with a woman within you, your true self, you without masks, makeup, or “stories”.


Our generation is so busy trying to prove that women can do everything men can do, women are losing the unique qualities that set us apart. The God-given and the unique way our Creator designed us.

Women weren’t created to do everything men can do.... Women were created to do everything men can’t do; The lioness does not try to be the lion. She embraces her role as the lioness. She is powerful, strong, and nurturing. She does not mistake her meekness for weakness. The world needs more kind, compassionate, humble, faithful, persevering, confident, fierce, bold, pure, and tender-hearted women.

Be one of them!

My invitation is here: A 40-day journey with Kundalini Shakti Flow for Graceful and Extraordinary Living. Series to enhance Inner Beauty, embrace Divine Feminine, tap into Grace.

Unfold abundance of softness, bounty, and beauty. Shakti Flow will unfold, and release gently blocks, fears, anxieties, insecurities … you will learn to trust yourself more and more as you keep showing up for yourself in this daily practice. With all flowing movements, we will stretch into infinity and land safely in acceptance, in love, in joy, in trust. Feeling sweet juices flowing through us, the ecstasy of breath and stillness of Shunia where all answers are waiting for you to be found.


Are you ready to try? It has changed my life.


Here are the details:

BOLD & BEAUTIFUL GRACE & INNER BEAUTY 40-day morning kundalini shakti flow for graceful living

Daily 05:55-07:05 GMT LIVE on FB in Rise & Shine 37

from Monday 28.02.2022 till Friday 08.04.2022

Join here:



Wioletta Diamondheart


Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Teacher

Holistic Therapist

Gong Master