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Thriving in The UK


Kamila Miller

Kamila Miller is a seasoned Marketing & Brand Specialist with over a decade of experience delivering strategic guidance and brand consultancy across various industries. Her expertise spans marketing and PR strategy, P&L management, business planning, brand strategy implementation, and new product development. Kamila is a Chartered Marketer and serves as a Board Member and Communications Ambassador for The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), where she plays a key role in training, mentoring, and event organization for marketers in Greater London. Additionally, she lectures in marketing at Henley Business School, contributing to the development of future marketing leaders. Kamila is dedicated to enhancing marketing strategies through a passion for excellence, innovation, and education.

When did you arrive in the UK?
I arrived in the UK in September 2011.

What was the main reason for your move to the UK?
After watching the film The Secret Garden by Agnieszka Holland, I simply fell in love with England and always wanted to live there. Additionally, I moved to pursue better career opportunities and to experience a new culture. I wanted to stay forever from the beginning.

Were you planning to stay here forever or were you planning to come back after a while?
  From the very beginning, I wanted to stay in the UK forever.  

Employment and Career

What was your first job in the UK?

My first job in the UK was as a Royalties Administrator for a publishing company called Taylor and Francis. Till today, I remember my first angry author demanding their royalties, a total of £0.25. I loved the people and the company, but I knew it was just the beginning, not everything.  

How has your career progressed since you arrived?
Since arriving, my career has progressed significantly. I moved from a  Royalties Administrator role to a Head of  Marketing/ Marketing Director position, and now I am starting my own creative consultancy.

Education and Qualifications

Have you pursued any qualifications or further education in the UK?
es, I have pursued several professional qualifications in marketing and business management, which have greatly helped in advancing my career. I am a Chartered Marketer and a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).  I am also starting my PhD in Management and have worked as a lecturer.  

Career and Business

What do you do now?
Currently, I am the founder of my own creative consultancy, where I help businesses enhance their brand and marketing strategies.

Have you been considering opening a business in the UK?
Yes, I have always considered it, and now I am in the process of launching my creative consultancy.

If yes, what has stopped you from that?
Initially, it was the fear of the unknown and the financial risk involved, but with time and experience, I felt more confident to take the leap.

If you own a business, please share more details.
I am starting a creative consultancy that focuses on helping small to medium-sized businesses with branding, digital marketing, and innovative strategies to enhance their market presence and growth.

Life in the UK

What made you decide to stay longer or permanently?
The professional growth opportunities and the vibrant multicultural environment in the UK played a significant role in my decision to stay. Additionally, I have built a strong network and found a sense of community here.

Advice for Others

What advice would you give to other women considering moving to the UK?
I would advise other women to be open to new experiences and to take full advantage of the opportunities available. Building a strong professional network and continuously upgrading your skills can significantly enhance your career prospects. Plus, dream big and just go for it!

Personal Reflections

What has been the most rewarding part of your experience in the UK?
The most rewarding part has been the professional growth and the opportunity to meet and work with people from diverse backgrounds, which has enriched both my personal and professional life.

Community and Integration

What cultural differences have you noticed and how have you adapted?
I have noticed that the UK has a more formal and reserved approach to communication compared to my home country. I have adapted by observing and learning from my colleagues and friends, and by being open-minded and respectful of these differences.

Family and Support

Do you belong to any networking group or any women’s organisation supporting them in the UK?
Yes, I am a member of several professional networking groups and women’s organisations that provide support, mentorship, and opportunities for women in business. But my husband and daughter were and always will be my biggest supporters, and bless them, at the end of the day, it's them who need to deal with all my crazy ideas.

Final Thoughts

Is there anything you wish you had known before moving to the UK?
I wish I had known more about the practical aspects of living in the UK, such as the healthcare system, tax regulations, and the process of setting up a business, which would have made the transition smoother. That's why it’s now also a part of my consultancy service; you need to understand these business fundamentals before you start marketing.


Have you encountered any significant obstacles since moving to the UK?
  Yes, I have faced obstacles such as the initial challenges of building a professional network from scratch. Being a woman, a mother, and a foreigner was not always seen as a benefit, but these challenges have been valuable learning experiences that have contributed to my personal and professional growth.